Regional Instability Modeling & Migration Analysis: Adding Structure to a Complex Mission

The number of migrants approaching borders around the world remains at record levels. Throughout Eastern Europe, Central America, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South Asia—economic hardship, political unrest, violence, and environmental patterns drive people to leave home. Drought and storms devastate agricultural productivity, impacting food and water security. Poverty, economic decline, and lack of institutional governance create space for corruption, gangs, organized crime, and extremist influence. 

China Solomon Islands Investments: Growing Economic and Security Influence

Soloman China

In November 2023, the Solomon Islands plays host to the Pacific Games for the first time. The expanding economic influence of China in the Solomons, evident behind the scenes with infrastructure investments and construction for these games, reflects growing concerns for Pacific Island nations across the region. 3GIMBALS’ OMENTM solution investigates interconnections between Chinese economic investments and influence in the Pacific.

OMEN™ Reveals Russian Influence in Niger

civil unrest

Destabilizing forces in the Sahel signal a shift in the balance of power. Civil unrest emerged in Niger, as French counterinsurgency operations ended in November 2022. Following these events, 3GIMBALS’ OMEN™ investigated Russian expansion in Niger—a key ally in the Sahel—through diplomatic activity, scientific cooperation, military exchanges, and infrastructure investments aligned to economic and geopolitical influence.

OMEN™ Uncovers Geopolitical Alliances: Iranian Influence in Ukraine


With daily battles in Ukraine, operations foreshadow larger geopolitical threats and alliances. In fall 2022, Russian use of Iranian Shahed-136 drones during 54 events in Ukraine hinted at a shift in the relationship between Moscow and Tehran. While investigating these drones, 3GIMBALS brought to light the growing alliance between Iran and Russia.