Recent Drone Incursions Over U.S. Military Bases: A Potential Chinese Connection? 

Frequent unauthorized drone activity near U.S. military installations, such as Vandenberg and Wright-Patterson Air Force Bases, raises concerns about espionage and airspace vulnerabilities. The advanced capabilities of these drones and the proximity of Chinese-owned land near critical sites suggest potential links to hybrid warfare strategies, though direct evidence remains inconclusive.

Russian Adversarial Electronic Warfare and Analytic Response

military truck

Immediately following Russia’s failed blitz invasion into Ukraine in early February 2022, Medium-Altitude Long Endurance (MALE) drones used by Ukraine gained notoriety in the press for successful exploits against Russian armor and heavy equipment. In contrast, the relatively slow-moving months following the onset of the war presented a prime opportunity for Russia to deploy its vast electronic warfare (EW) network.